In this issue:
Pleasant Hill Park 85th anniversary of the dam.
Oak Hill Cottage; mystery of the courthouse bell.
RPAG upcoming meeting
NCOIM Latest Newsletter
Shiloh Area Historical Society news
DMI Downtown Mansfield Inc. latest blog post, looking back at some historic photos.
Pleasant Hill Park
Pleasant Hill Dam is officially 85 years old! Dedicated on January 28, 1938, the dam was built on the Clear Fork of the Mohican River and created the 783-acre lake. The dam is a 113 ft (34 m) tall earth-fill dam and is located in Ashland County while the lake extends into Richland. The lake was created as a part of the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District for the purpose of flood control. It has provided those benefits as well as water conservation and recreation for the last 8 decades!
Oak Hill Cottage
In the last issue of Sharing Time we asked for any information about an 1800s UFO. Nothing came of that inquiry, but here’s another quest.
Richland Preservation Action Group
The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, January 31 at 6pm in the Carriage House at Oak Hill Cottage
North Central Ohio Industrial Museum
Our latest newsletter is at
Shiloh Area Historical Society
On Monday January 23, 2023 the Plymouth Shiloh FFA and FFA Alumni celebrated 90 years of Shiloh High School charter, and 100 years of agricultural education in the area.
In 1917 the federal government passed the Smith Hughes Act which preceded Vocational Agriculture and FFA.
The FFA Alumni group will celebrate 30 years of active involvement with current students. Their generous gifts of stewardship and mentoring is invaluable.
Shiloh Area Historical Society was invited to the event, and brought several items for display. One of which was a wonderful photo of “Smith Hughes S.H.S. boys 1928” along with their instructors. This photograph was found 72 hours prior to the event.
Kermit Noble former SAHS president was one of the many speakers as one of the last two living SHS FFA presidents. The current SHS president also spoke briefly about the museum.
Items on display were 4 Shiloh FFA jackets from the late 1940’s and early 1950’s. A FFA hat from the 1930’s, 2 trophies from poultry judging contests in the mid 1950’s, 2 photos, and 3 ribbons from 1933 and 1934 Ohio State Fair accommodations for sheep.
Jay Follett from Plymouth has graciously uploaded the massive slide show and the entire program to the site where all yearbooks from both schools has been scanned for viewing and safekeeping.
The evening was a huge success, and the current FFA students were impressive with their leadership skills and work ethic.
Downtown Mansfield Inc.
DMI’s latest blog post just posted; a look back.